Need a Demo, or Trial?


Demonstration Videos:

Please view our demonstration videos below at your convenience.  They provide a guided tour through LMP and provide a high level overview of the key functionality of the system:

  1. Create Your Account
  2. Your First Login
  3. Admin Console
  4. Services
  5. Merge Docs
  6. My Matters
  7. Billing
  8. Reports

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Free Trial Instructions:

If you are ready to start your free trial, please proceed to the trial version of LMP.  Upon arrival at that page, follow these easy steps:

A. Choose the Create Account link;

B. Our system administrator will be notified;

C. You will receive an email confirming that we received your request and asking you to confirm your email address by clicking a link in the email;

D. Upon confirmation of your email address, our system administrator will activate your account;

E. You can then log in using the credentials you specified when creating your account.